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RAMROD – Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day 2025 – Rated

September 3

road cyclists at RAMROD ride around mount rainier in one day
Last Updated September 21, 2024--

The 2025 event date is not confirmed -- RAMROD - Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day 2025, organized by Redmond Cycling Club in Enumclaw, WA, is a challenging course featuring 10,000 feet of climbing over 157 miles with 800 other riders. The event runs annually on the last Thursday of July and is extremely popular, with registration for the RAMROD lottery beginning annually in March. The team here at Strambecco considers RAMROD to be one of the Best Road Cycling Events in the Northwest.

RAMROD - Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day is a unique event with a ride that begins and ends in the exact location, Enumclaw High School in Enumclaw, WA. It starts with a gradual descent to its lowest elevation around Orting, followed by 40 miles of rolling hills through Eatonville, Elbe, and Ashford, near entrances to Mount Rainier National Park. Then, riders will find a gradual climb downhill on Skate Creek Road to Packwood before heading North and taking on the most challenging section of the course, the 9-mile climb up Cayuse Pass, which starts nearly 100 miles into the ride. The rapid descent from the pass ends with one final challenge, a 6-mile climb up to Crystal's alpine valley. From there, riders have about 36 miles to go. These last miles descend or roll with one final, fast descent down Mud Mountain Dam, 9 miles from the finish line.

Along this challenging ride of climbing and descents, three main food stops start with breakfast before the event begins and ice cream when you cross the finish line for gluten-free meals or snacks, which must be requested in advance. Enumclaw Lions Club sponsors the healthy breakfast with a separate donation that goes to both these local community organizations. There are also many local area restaurants open in 2022.

  • The Kettle-Cozy is a local diner known for huge breakfasts and is open every day until 1 pm.
  • Griffin & Wells Café is an American restaurant with locally sourced ingredients and an online store.
  • Rainier Bar & Grill - A favorite local stop and perfect after events like RAMROD, open for lunch and dinner.

Camping or RVing is available the night before the ride at nearby State Park campgrounds and RV parks; Green River Gorge Conservation Area and Kanaskat-Palmer State Park. Riders are responsible for their mechanical support, but limited SAG support is available; emergency medical support is also available. There are also many local hotels and indoor resorts.

Other Strambecco best-rated road cycling events in Washington are Seattle to Portland (STP) and Mt. Baker Hill Climb.


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