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VenetoGO Social Ride

November 19

Happy VenetoGO riders on course

In the verdant heart of Italy's Veneto region, an event is shaping up to redefine the cycling experience.  VENEtoGO Social Ride is a Celebration of Cycling, Cuisine, and Camaraderie.  It is masterminded by the acclaimed former professional cyclist Filippo Pozzato and merges the thrill of cycling with the rich tapestry of Venetian culture, landscapes, and gastronomy. Far from the competitive zeal of traditional races, this social ride, set in the picturesque surroundings of Bassano and its encompassing hills, ushers in a day of camaraderie and leisure cycling. Occurring on the eve of the Veneto Classic pro bike race, it allows participants to traverse a portion of the same route, capturing the essence of professional racing in a more relaxed atmosphere.

What distinguishes VENEtoGO from other cycling events is its array of culinary stops, inviting riders to indulge in the local cuisine. This initiative deviates from the standard fare at cycling events, promising a blend of physical activity with gastronomic exploration. From coffee and croissants to hot dishes of local specialties, the ride features gourmet refreshment stops that showcase the best of the region's KM 0 (zero kilometers) produce. Notably, at km 65, participants are re-energized with bread, pizza, local cold cuts, and beer, culminating at km 90 with an unforgettable stop at the top of the Diesel Farm in Renzo Rosso's estate.

VENEtoGO stands out with its French (staggered) start and a deliberate omission of a results tally, emphasizing the enjoyment of the ride over the competition squarely. Cyclists can choose between a 57 km route with a 690 m elevation gain and a 98 km challenge that ascends 1,100 m, navigating through the scenic Colli Asolani and tackling renowned climbs like Paderno del Grappa, La Tisa, and Diesel Farm. These routes are designed not only to display the natural beauty of Veneto but also to offer varied challenges that cater to different levels of cycling proficiency.

The second edition of VENEtoGO will take off from the exquisite Villa Ca’ Cornaro in Romano d’Ezzelino, boasting an 18th-century park that sets the stage for this unique event. The ride encapsulates the spirit of Veneto, leading participants through the historic and natural landmarks of the region, including the Castelli area's renowned locales like Monfumo, Castelcucco, and Paderno del Grappa. The event closes on a high note with music, DJ sets, and a party atmosphere featuring YOU&MEAT burgers, more beer, and a lot of music, making it a day to remember.

Participants will receive the Official event jersey, designed by Santini Cycling, and, for the first 100 registrants, a personalized Elite bottle adorned with their bib number, name, and surname. This thoughtful touch adds a personal dimension to the ride, allowing participants to take home a piece of the VENEtoGO experience.

VENEtoGO is more than a cycling event; it's a celebration of the cycling lifestyle, Venetian heritage, and the communal spirit of the sport. It invites cyclists of all levels to share in the joy of riding, the beauty of the Veneto region, and the unparalleled taste of its culinary offerings. Ultimately, VENEtoGO is a testament to the power of cycling to bring people together, fostering a sense of community and shared adventure against the backdrop of one of Italy's most beautiful regions.

Bassano Del Grappa & the Veneto Region

Bassano del Grappa, positioned elegantly along the banks of the River Brenta in the Veneto region of Italy, is a treasure trove for cycling enthusiasts. This charming town is renowned not just for its historical significance and the iconic wooden Ponte Vecchio bridge designed by Palladio but also as a starting point for numerous cycling adventures that cater to all levels of enthusiasm and endurance.

The surrounding Veneto region unfolds as a cyclist's dream, offering an array of landscapes from the serene beauty of the Venetian plains to the challenging ascents of the nearby Alps and Dolomites. Bassano del Grappa's unique location makes it an ideal base for cyclists aiming to tackle the legendary ascents of Monte Grappa. The climb is a rite of passage for many, featuring in several editions of the Giro d'Italia and known for its challenging gradients and breathtaking views at the summit, overlooking the Venetian plains and the Alpine horizon.

Cycling from Bassano del Grappa, one can explore the rolling hills of the Prosecco wine region, offering gentler but equally rewarding rides through vineyard-clad landscapes and picturesque villages. With its well-paved roads and minimal traffic, this area provides a more relaxed cycling experience, where the journey is as enjoyable as the destination, punctuated by stops at local vineyards for a taste of the region's celebrated sparkling wine.

The Veneto region is also rich in culture and history, and cycling here means moving through a landscape dotted with medieval towns, ancient churches, and Renaissance villas. The area's culinary offerings are a delight, with opportunities to indulge in local delicacies such as risotto, fresh seafood from the Adriatic, and the region's renowned cheeses and charcuterie, making every stop a delightful exploration of Venetian flavors.

Bassano del Grappa and its surroundings offer a deeply immersive cycling experience where the sport meets history, culture, and gastronomy. Whether it's pushing oneself on the steep climbs of Monte Grappa, exploring the Prosecco hills, or enjoying a leisurely ride along the River Brenta, the region invites cyclists into a world where every turn brings a discovery, making it a must-visit destination for cycling enthusiasts.

Andiamo Vacation Experience

The cycling tour, envisioned by ex-Pro cyclist Pippo Pozzato, embodies a blend of sport, social, and cultural vivacity, aiming to convert cycling into an unparalleled long weekend of events. This gathering is not just for Pro cyclists. Still, it extends its welcome to amateurs and Gravel enthusiasts, marking it as Nicola's new favorite event due to its emphasis on cycling, food, and local culture. The event sprawls across three distinct Gran Fondos, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of areas. The adventure begins on Thursday with a challenging ascent of the legendary Monte Grappa, followed by a picturesque ride along the Brenta River in Pizzola sul Brenta, culminating in a lunch buffet with VIP hospitality on Friday. The main spectacle, the Gran Fondo VENEtoGO, unfolds on Saturday, offering a harmonious mix of breathtaking landscapes and culinary delights. The weekend concludes with participation in the last 50km of the Veneto Classic on Sunday, a race that attracts notable figures in the cycling world to the region, making it a truly unique and immersive cycling experience.  You can see all the details here.

VenetoGo Route Profile
VenetoGO Route Profile


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Bassano del Grappa, Italy


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